Want youthful-looking skin? Here’s five easy and cost-effective ways to reduce fine lines and wrinkles
Get your beauty sleep
Beauty sleep is a real thing! Sleep deprivation reduces your body’s ability to repair itself, resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, and even chronic diseases and mood disorders. Indeed, lack of sleep is associated with stress, which itself restricts the flow of nutrients to your skin, making you look older than you really are. An average of six to eight hours of sleep per night is recommended.
With the above in mind, stress management is vital if you want to reduce the signs of ageing. Guided mediation, breathing exercises and stretching are useful when dealing with stress. However, working up a sweat is equally valuable, so try out lots of ideas and find something that works best for you.
Clear the smoke screen
Smoking results in skin sagging, wrinkles and dark under-eye circles as well as skin pigmentation. Therefore, we strongly recommend you kick your habit to the curb. Contact your doctor or visit www.nhs.uk/smokefree for help on quitting.
Be sun savvy
UVA rays can contribute to skin ageing (think wrinkles and pigmentation) even on a cloudy day. To minimise this, apply an SPF sunscreen to your face daily. Save an extra step in your skincare routine by looking for a moisturiser or foundation containing an SPF.
Eat beautifully
In addition to applying topical SPF protection, antioxidants such as lutein, beta-carotene and lycopene accumulate in your skin and provide an SPF effect of 3-4. Eat plenty of green, red and orange fruits and veggies to take advantage of this extra level of protection against UVA rays.
Meanwhile, make sure you’re eating enough collagen; it’s responsible for supporting your skin structure and giving it a youthful appearance.
Whilst collagen became popular in the 80s within cosmetic surgery to soften fine lines, in recent years, edible collagen has taken the place of these expensive injectable fillers so that you have a simple way to get what
your skin needs.
Our Advanced Collagen capsules are leading the way by including 1050mg of premium type 1 marine collagen, PLUS vitamin C, biotin and antioxidant vitamin E to help you look and feel great without needing a complicated